Invisalign Orthodontic Braces

Invisalign Braces 

invisalighn-bracesPeople are becoming more aware, and also more critical of the way they look. Someone who needs to wear braces in this day and age will probably feel embarrassed or out of place, and often this can be the cause of treatment being avoided completely. Products such as Invisalign braces ensure that people have the option of being treated in the most inconspicuous way possible.

When it comes to choosing the right type of braces for you, the choice is often up to the orthodontist. Everyone's case is different and as a result, so is everyone's treatment. Of course everyone would like to have braces that get the job done and are seen / noticed as little as possible, but sometimes this is not possible. Invisalign braces are the least invasive form of orthodontic treatment that can get your teeth straight and you smiling!

These braces are known to be "aligners" and they consist of clear, tieless braces which are incorporated into a system of high technology wires, which do indeed move your teeth effectively and quite quickly too.

The Invisalign braces can actually be removed and are fairly invisible which makes them a viable option for adults, however this is not a great option for children, especially those with a habit of losing and breaking things. Treatment length depends on the complexity of your unique case – no two people will require the teeth aligners to be worn for the same amount of time.

Below are a few reasons why Invisalign braces are the choice for many over other types of braces on the market: 

  • When using this teeth straightening method, you don't need to avoid certain foods
  • The device can be removed at will, this means that if you have a special event or function, you can remove the braces
  • You can brush and floss normally during your treatment
  • Is generally more comfortable than regular braces

While Invisalign can be used to treat a variety of orthodontic problems like crowding, spacing, cross bite, overbite and under bite - it is not always the ideal treatment for very complex cases. Our in-house orthodontist Dr Mark Jackson will advise you on the best orthodontic treatment for you.